Tuesday, October 7, 2014

New Adoption Trend?

Image Source: petsinc
Have you ever adopted a dog from an animal shelter? Or did you buy one at a pet store? I’m a shelter shopper myself, for lack of a better term. Two of the three dogs I’ve had come from a shelter, the other I got from a local person in the area.

Missy of course, is one of the two I adopted from a shelter, and I do not regret it. As I type this she keeps putting her nose under my mouse hand, trying to flip my hand in the air. Perhaps it’s her way of advocating for shelter dogs too.

Sure, Missy was in the shelter for a couple years, but she had a group of workers there who would not give up on her. When shelter life wasn’t quite working for her, a volunteer fostered her so she could relax in a quieter atmosphere.

Come adoption day, Missy’s foster mom gave a write-up of sorts about Missy and her quirks. The write-up really demonstrated to me how much Missy’s foster mom cared about her.

When I had some concerns about Missy’s behavior the first week I had her I called her foster mom a couple times with questions and we spent about 30 minutes talking about Missy.

Anyway, I read an article from the Humane Society that tickled my brain about shelters and pet stores. Compared to most of the negative reviews I’ve read concerning pet stores this one really intrigued me, and I’m not sure if it’s in a good way.

In the article, rescue puppies were sent to a Pet Plus Natural, a pet store. Yep, a pet store would then adopt out shelter dogs. The purported objective of this mission is to convert “puppy mill” pet stores to stores that would sell shelter puppies instead.

The amazing fact about this experiment? All of the puppies sent to the store were adopted within two weeks. Some dogs, like Missy, spend years in a shelter before anyone adopts them. Even if all of the dogs in the article were puppies I wonder what inspired people to flock to this store or others like this one to adopt instead of going to their local shelter?

Grant it, as long as each one goes to a safe forever home I should be happy but I always feel there are strings attached to every seemingly “good” story. Such as:

-will people still want to adopt dogs from actual shelters?
-who is in the better environment: pups in pet stores or pups/dogs in shelters?

Admittedly I am a chronic skeptic, so I usually end up with lots of questions after I read something like this. I am just focusing too much on the negative here?

Personally, from my experience adopting Missy, I would totally adopt or recommend adoption from that shelter because of how helpful and caring the staff during and even after her adoption process.

In order to answer these questions I’ll need to do a lot more research on the subject. I try to report back on my findings if anyone wants to know more.

Also, I set up a poll in relation to adoption, so feel free to participate. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

'Miss'demeanor Mondays

Have I mentioned Missy’s nickname yet? Well, one of them anyway. I sometimes like to joke that Missy is actually short for “misdemeanor” because of all the trouble she gets into. Hence, the inspiration for ‘Miss’demeanor Mondays.  I know today is not actually Monday, but why wait, right?

Monday seems like the perfect catch-up day for all things ‘Miss’demeanor related as many good stories seem to happen over the weekend. Any other day I might mention general happenings with Missy but I’ll reserve Mondays for very special events. For example, what did she knock over this time? Oops, she scratched me again, or my personal favorite: what on earth did she roll in? 
Image source: personal photo

This ‘Miss’demeanor concerns none of the above, as it involves thievery on her part. Sunday was gorgeous, and I could not resist a ride on my horse, Legacy. We had a great ride and Missy followed me when I hooked the hose up so I could hose off Legacy. She plays babysitter to me whenever I work with my horses.

I passed one of my tomato plants after I hooked the hose up and a bright red globe caught my eye. Man, that was a gorgeous, ripe tomato and not a blemish to be seen. I picked it and set it next to the fence so I could remember to grab it. I finished Legacy’s cool down and re-entered the yard.

Wait. Where’s my tomato?   

“Missy! You darn dog!”

Yeah, she took my tomato!

Across the yard her furry ears drooped and her head went down, and I spotted my tomato in her mouth. I marched over, put my hand down and said, “drop it.”

All that “drop it” training came in handy. Either that or she knew she did something bad because she let it gently drop into my outstretched palm.

Lesson one for the day: No more leaving vegetables in Missy range, even though she normally does not mess with garden vegetables.

Veterinarians are constantly discovering what is and what isn’t harmful to dogs. After this incident I did some research about harmful plants to dogs and found a recent article about an alarming number of such plants.

To my surprise, the tomato leaf, not the fruit itself, made the list so I caught a break there, but it really hits home about how careful we pet owners need to be when it comes to what our pets come into contact with and that we need to keep abreast of what’s toxic.

The blog “Dog Star Daily's” #1 tip for saving on vet bills is household safety, so here is a money saving incentive for being extra careful.

Lesson two: teach your dog “drop it” as soon as possible. This comes in handy whether you’re playing fetch or the dog picks something up that is potentially harmful. Teaching “drop it” took Missy some time to learn but as one reader commented in “About this Blog”, patience is the key to a well behaved pet, but this command is more than just a neat trick, it could potentially save your dog.

Have you ever had a dog destroy something of yours? I’d love to hear about your pet’s ‘Miss’demeanors.

In case you wondered about the fate of the tomato. It was a fatal incident. 

Image source: vectortoons