Friday, September 26, 2014

Don't Wait for the Doggie Train: Picture of the Day

Image source: pepe

Perhaps you are wondering what on  earth a train has to do with my blog about Missy. Dogs and trains do not really mix do they? Well, this blurrily fast train reminds me of Missy's energy and how I really have to work to harness that energy. When she gets wound up she's like a little white and butterscotch blur running around the house or yard and I get dizzy watching her. Anyway, compared to the previous two dogs I have had, Missy definitely takes the cake for "most hyperactive." For the first couple months I had her she either wanted outside every five minutes, only to want right back in, or she wanted in my lap for some mush time.

So what did I try to do to change this behavior? Well, me being a book nerd and research freak I went to the library and cleaned the dog section of every Cesar Millan book the library had. Walking the dog seemed to be the main tip for channeling the mind-boggling energy of a hyperactive dog. Dog owners also need to check how they emit their own energy, but since I'm a relatively quiet person I think Missy just needed a job and a chance to expend some energy. After soaking up his books I took Cesar's advice and took Missy for a run. Oh my gosh, what a difference. We came home and she decided it was nap time and conked out on her pillow bed for a good long while. I think the run did some good for me to, because boy, was I out of shape.

A good lesson here also concerns the woman in this photo. She is just standing, with her leg cocked, waiting for the train to stop. Actually, this image is titled "Waiting for the Train," but I don't think we should wait for the train. Sometimes we let the behavior go on thinking it will stop on its own and then the train goes right off the tracks. As a dog owner, or any pet owner, I really believe we need to be proactive with our pets when it comes to undesirable behavior. Got a dog that chews? Stop just putting the shoes out of paws reach and try to actually solve the issue. Maybe the behavior stems from something simple like doggie boredom. There are many easy, simple ways to prevent boredom , like increasing exercise or giving your dog a toy that challenges his mind (besides the shoes, I mean).

I still walk with Missy and even started taking her on bike rides with me and those work even better. Not to mention I have some great stories about our bike rides, but that's for another day. So, let's all take a stand to not standing on the platform, waiting for that doggie train to roll by and take an active approach to harnessing our pet's energy.

What do you think about waiting for life's train? Or what do you do to harness your dog's energy or,even your own or your kid's?

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